Teaching Actions Guidelines

To be an effective teacher one must have good teaching strategies, and teaching styles. Those come in many different flavors. Conversely there are various leaning styles and learning strategies. By understanding how best a particular student can learn a course material a teacher can get better results.

Teachers should Speak clear words even its bookish, use short sentences, less fancy words, few mostly spoken word, less inflected, without adding mannerisms.

Adapt the content according to the age. Kindergarteners, 1st and second grade kids won’t care a bean about GRAMMER . Use more physical activity involved quiz, like verbs involve acting, names involve showing

Use English subtitles!

Discuss and review in Kannada. I know they usually don’t have opinions, but if they watched something that was of interest to them, they will want to talk about it. Our desire to express certain opinions makes us more eager to break language barriers.

These eight teaching actions may occur as an organized, common-sense approach to what should happen in the classroom. These steps are provided as guidelines.

The Teacher…

Develops Anticipatory Set: This involves getting students mentally prepared for the lesson. This involves clarifying what will be accomplished in class, how the lesson relates to what previously has been learned, how it ties to what will be learned, and developing motivation for learning.

States the Objectives: This step involves informing the students about what they will be able to do by the end of the instruction. Teachers are more likely to do an effective job if they have identified what they wish students to learn. By the same token, students are more likely to achieve the objective if they know and understand the desired outcomes.

Provides (Instructional) Input: The teacher must supply the information necessary for students to accomplish the present objective. This also involves selecting the appropriate means (book, film, demonstration, etc.) for delivering information to students.

Models Ideal Behavior: This is the demonstration of the skill or behavior that the teacher desires from the student. Learning is facilitated if students see examples of an acceptable finished product or process.

Checks for Comprehension: It is necessary to assess whether students understand what is being taught. The teacher needs to check for possession of essential information as well as observe students’ performance to make sure they exhibit the skills necessary to achieve instructional objectives. Comprehension may be monitored as the lesson is presented and evaluated for mastery at the culmination of a unit of instruction.

Provides Guided Practice: Most learning requires repetition and practice to properly develop a skill or understand a concept. The student’s initial attempts in new learning situations should be carefully observed and guided so they are accurate and successful. The student needs to perform enough of a particular task so that the teacher may provide immediate clarification as needed.

Provides Independent Practice: Once students can perform without major errors or confusion, they are ready to develop further by practicing without the assistance of the teacher. Independent practice may be desk work or homework.

Achieves Closure: This is the culminating activity of a lesson. At the close of a lesson, the teacher should briefly review what has been accomplished, reinforce key concepts, and establish a frame of reference for the next lesson.

It should be noted that all these steps will not be present in every lesson; however, many lessons include most of these teaching acts. Educators generally agree that in directed-teaching methodology, establishing set, stating objectives, checking for comprehension, and achieving closure are essential ingredients.